Statutory pension insurance, number of new pensions because of diminution of ability to work (absolute/per 100,000 actively insured persons). Classification: 1993-1999, Germany, age, sex, 1. diagnosis (ICD-9), pension fund organization

Shown values refer to:
Age: All age-groups, Sex: All sexes, Pension fund organizations: Statutory pension insurance, absolute/per 100,000 actively insured persons: absolute

1. diagnosis (ICD-9)Year (ascending)
1993199419951996199719981999 Info
expandAll diseases (001-999)271,159297,022297,152283,629266,258237,193218,136
Table was compiled on 29. Apr 2024 16:26 under
(See also more information on Source(s)/ContactComment(s)Refresh period of data)  To the interactive graphics

(Restore standard selection)

Table shows following page dimension(s)New selection:
DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
AgeAll age-groups
SexAll sexes
Pension fund organizationsStatutory pension insurance
absolute/per 100,000 actively insured personsabsolute

Change dimension:DimensionRowColumnPage
1. diagnosis (ICD-9)
Pension fund organizations
absolute/per 100,000 actively insured persons
The table has 7 cells (1 rows and 7 columns).  

Value selection

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  (On the page "Value selection" you can choose for every dimension any dimension value for your selection.)

Interactive graphics     Line chart     




Refresh period of data

The Federal Health Monitoring System 29. Apr 2024